Don’t Break the Chain Calendars

Thank you for buying my book, Passport Forward.
Q. How do you eat an elephant?
A. One bite at a time.

If you want to get from Point A to Point B, you will have to take a few steps to get there.
Chipping away consistently is the path to success.
One step at a time. One day at a time. One Yoga class each week.
Is there something you want to accomplish where you can make consistent progress to make it a reality?
Jerry Seinfeld used a Don’t Break the Chain calendar to keep track of his daily habit of working on his comedy routine and material. I think it worked out pretty well for him.
Over the past few years, I have used my Don’t Break the Chain calendar to spend at least 15 minutes per day writing, editing, or promoting my book. I tell myself I will spend at least 15 minutes on my book project. Those 15 minutes usually turn into many hours of work.
The most important thing:  Just start.
Once I start working on my book for 15 minutes, the hard part is over. The momentum begins and continues to build. I have created chains of 120 consecutive days several times. Once I see a chain building, it’s really hard for me to break it. And so it continues to grow.
These Don’t Break the Chain calendars will help you chip away at a big project, start a new program or habit, or move away from something you want to eliminate.
Your consistent daily action will help you create extraordinary results and achieve your goals.
I love the feeling I get when I build or accomplish something. I think a “sense of accomplishment” makes most people feel better about themselves and provides a source of gratification, satisfaction, and energy.
Did you know: If you spend just 15 minutes a day every day for a year, you will have invested 91.25 HOURS working toward your goal.
If you can do 30 minutes a day, you’ll have 182.5 HOURS under your belt in a year’s time. Wow. Talk about progress!
So here’s how you do it

  1. Download and print the Don’t Break the Chain Calendar below. I have provided one for The Lexpedition and one for Passport Forward. Take your pick (or use both).
  2. Tape your calendar to your wall or put it on your fridge. Just make sure it’s somewhere you will see it every day so you can see your progress and remind yourself not to break the chain.
  3. Pick a simple daily habit which will help you improve your life or lead you towards reaching your big goals. Examples: Practice a musical instrument for 15 minutes. Read a book. Practice a foreign language. Meditate for 15 minutes. Limit your TV time to an hour (or less) per day. Do 25 push-ups or 25 sit-ups per day.  Floss your teeth. each day. Work on your new book project for 15 minutes. Go for a walk. It’s up to you.

Start today. Give yourself a big X and then do it again tomorrow. And the next day.

Begin well and do not fear the end. Just keep going.

The Lexpedition – Don’t Break the Chain Calendar

Passport Forward – Don’t Break the Chain Calendar