Launching my New Book – September 27, 2018 (revised date)


Revised Launch Date: September 27, 2018
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The official worldwide launch of my book is September 27, 2018.
My first book, The Lexpedition was created to inspire and entertain people all over the world.
The mission: To help people make the journey from regrets and routine to find more passion, freedom, and adventure in their lives.
Right now I’m putting together a Launch Team to help me spread the word and generate momentum.
There will be many ways to pitch in, including options that won’t require you to order my book or spend a dime.
I know you’re super busy this summer. Don’t worry, this won’t be a major time drain for you.
I’ll provide concrete and simple steps for you to take along the way, so I’ll be doing most of the heavy lifting. 🙂
SPOILER ALERT: I have changed the title AND sub-title of my book to reach a larger audience. Only my Launch Team will have the inside scoop on what the new title and sub-title will be.
So let’s get started… simply complete and submit the form below to join the Launch Team.
More details will be coming soon, including exclusive gifts and rewards for helping co-create this launch project.
We are going to do great things together. Welcome aboard the Launch Team. Thanks for your support!