Launch Team Update 1 – July 6th 2018


Revised Launch Date: September 27, 2018

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Friday, July 6, 2018
Hello everyone, wherever you are. Happy Friday!
I just created a video update for you, my awesome Launch Team. If you are just joining us, welcome aboard.
In this update I:

  • Drink Coffee
  • Give a shout out to you guys, including team members in IN, TN, FL, NC, CA, and AZ. We also have Launch team members in Singapore, Belgium, the Netherlands, London, Denmark, and Germany. So we’re worldwide! IF I didn’t mention your state or country, don’t worry. I still love and appreciate you. Let me know in the comments below and I’ll do better next time. 🙂 And somehow I forgot to mention Kentucky. Duh!
  • Talk about pushing back my launch date (actual date to be determined)
  • Mention my upcoming trip to Asia
  • Show you my three passports
  • Pick some random bills from my stack of foreign currency and try to decipher and make sense of it all 🙂
  • Discuss Verified Amazon Reviews (my Kindle version will be priced at $0.99 for a few days when I launch it so you can snag a copy and leave a review to help my rankings and visibility)
  • And a few more things

Update 1 - Coffee
You can watch the Launch Team update video now here.
Thanks for your support. Have a great weekend!
Peace & Love,
The Lexpedition

2 responses to “Launch Team Update 1 – July 6th 2018”

  1. This book is just amazing!!! Thanks Lex, to let us be a part of your amazing journey. It’s real, touching and funny at the same time. A MUST – not just for travellers.

    • Thanks, King Cuong. I really appreciate your kind words and great friendship. I’m happy you enjoyed my book. Cheers!

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