Launch Team Update 3 – Southeast Asia Edition


Launch Date: September 27, 2018

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August 9, 2018
Hello, my friends,
Greetings from Laos, my all-time favorite country. My three-week adventure here in Asia with my girlfriend Meg is unfortunately coming to an end in a few days.
After a 30-hour trip from Kentucky to Bangkok (including an epic 15-hour flight from Atlanta to Seoul – Ouch!), Meg and I spent two nights in Bangkok and then four on a quiet beach on Koh Samui Island in southern Thailand. We then flew up to Chiang Mai to meet up with her son, Cooper, who had just finished a six-week university internship. We spent a few days in northern Thailand before starting our eight days of fun here in Laos.
As many of you know, Laos is my favorite country for a few reasons:
* The Lao people are incredibly friendly, hospitable, and easy going.
* The scenery is stunning and dramatic.
* It hasn’t been “Starbucked” or “Thailand-ed” yet with over-development and hasn’t been overrun with too many tourists (yet).
This vacation has recharged my battery and renewed my passion for adventure travel.
Back home I have a “Don’t Break the Chain” calendar on my wall where I record my daily efforts to spend at least 15 minutes a day working on my book. I had a four-month chain going when I left on this trip. So my long chain is broken.
Have no fear, I’ll be back on track and starting another long chain when I get back home on August 11th.
The big Launch Date is still September 27th. I’ll be checking in again with you soon. In the meantime, I want to thank you for your support and energy, and encourage you to get out and do something adventurous and unusual, whatever that might look like for you.
Here’s a quick video for you.
Screenshot_20180808-173142_Video Player
Peace and love from Luang Prabang, Laos.
The Lexpedition

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