Dirty Harry (My Laos Motorcycle Adventure) – Audio Chapter from Passport Forward

Dirty Harry

(Part 1 of my motorcycle adventure in Laos)

An audiobook chapter from Passport Forward

I’m in the process of finishing the audiobook version of Passport Forward.

It will be available on Amazon and Audible soon.

I have put a tremendous amount of time, energy, and love into this audiobook project.

This “Dirty Harry” motorcycle adventure in Laos is at the top of my all-time favorite travel memories list.

You can listen to it below (and read along and see some cool pix with the embedded PDF, if you wish).

But first, I just wanted to share with you how much work I put into this “Dirty Harry” audio chapter. Here are the details: 

  1. I went into my recording studio (my soundproofed walk-in closet) and spoke into my Blue Yeti microphone while reading the Kindle version of my book on my iPad. It took me 22 minutes to record the chapter, including do-overs, second takes, and blunders.
  2. I used Audacity for Mac to edit the audio file. The first wave of edits took me 52 minutes, and the second and third passes took another 97 minutes. That’s a total of 2 hours and 29 minutes to edit.
  3. I exported the file as an MP3 and uploaded it to my website. (8 minutes)
  4. So from beginning to end, I spent 3 hours to create this 9 minute 54 second audio chapter. (That’s basically 18 minutes to create 1 minute of “finished product”). As you can imagine, with 42 chapters in my book, this is a very significant project.


Enjoy the ride…


(Just FYI, Rockbox is the nickname I gave my Dad)

Here’s the PDF so you can read along (and see some pix)
(You can download the PDF here if you’re having trouble seeing it on your mobile device)

[pdf-embedder url=”http://thelexpedition.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Dirty-Harry-Sample-Passport-Forward.pdf”]

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You can get more (free) audio chapters by submitting the form below.

You’ll get one chapter delivered to your email each day for the next 8 days, starting with “The Pig Goat Bus Ride” (3:02), so keep an eye on your inbox.

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