Launch Team Update 7 – September 26th 2018


Launch Date: September 27, 2018

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Hello, my friends,
Less than 24 hours until Passport Forward goes live on Amazon… Wahooo!
I received five proof copies of the book yesterday for a final review. Nothing like cutting it close at the last minute, right? Luckily, everything is looking awesome.
I will be uploading the final files to Amazon in a few minutes. The clock is ticking.
Watch your email tomorrow when the paperback and Kindle versions are available.
I still have 1,328 things to do, but I want to share a quick video with you to bring you up to speed and…

  • Show you a copy of Passport Forward
  • Show you all the things in my skull right now (aka my Brain Dump)
  • Review the pricing structure for the Kindle version
  • Talk about creating your review for Amazon
  • Discuss the results of my Launch Team Survey last week (I thank you if you were one of the 50 who submitted a survey response)
  • and maybe something else…

As I mentioned in my previous update, I created a flip-book (see below) where you can see how the pages look in a book format. You can also download it as a PDF here (best viewed two pages at a time for book effect – right click the link to save it if you want to download it). Important Note: This preview copy is a sample of the new layout and does not include all of the chapters and pages, of course.
Again, you will be able to get a copy of the Kindle version for $0.99 for the first 48 hours before the price jumps up to the regular price. This will allow you to get the Kindle version quickly and add your review to Amazon. If you want to see a PDF of the entire book (without images or cover) you can get one here.
Thanks for your support. We’re in the Home Stretch.
Peace & Love,
The Lexpedition
PS – Watch for an email from me tomorrow to let you know when we are live on Amazon. It’s going to be a big day. Wahoo!
Here is the Video Update

Peace & Love,
The Lexpedition


[3d-flip-book mode=”fullscreen” urlparam=”fb3d-page” id=”2635″ title=”false”]

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