Launch Team Update 8 – September 30th 2018

Sunday, September 30, 2018
Hello, my friends,
I am happy to report that Passport Forward has been available for a few days on in paperback AND Kindle formats. Wahoooo!
Here is some more good news I want to share with you…

  • My friends Andi in Georgia and Chuck in Arizona have each ordered a paperback copy already. Thank you both.
  • My buddy Mike was the first person to buy a copy of Passport Forward in the Kindle format. Thanks, Mike!
  • My friend Cindy was the first person to write a review on Amazon. Thanks, Cindy!
  • Dani, Len, Z, Shawn, Andi, and Mike also left reviews on Amazon. Thanks, y’all. You can see all the reviews in the Customer Reviews section of my book page on Amazon. See below for details on leaving a VERIFIED Review on Amazon.
  • Marlo and Mark in Costa Rica were the first to send me a picture of them holding my book cover on their iPad today. Now THAT’s what I’m talking about. Thanks, Mark and Marlo. Pura Vida!

I still have not broadcast the good news to the whole universe yet. I have a few more dots to connect on the technology and content fronts before I can give you the green light to start spreading the word on Facebook or email or carrier pigeon or smoke signals. Whatever works best for you. 🙂
In the meantime, please grab a copy of Passport Forward (link below) and leave an honest review on Amazon.
Very important note: Before you write a review, please check out this page and the two-minute tutorial video I made. There is an important distinction between a Review and a Verified Review on Amazon, so I created this information to help make it easy on you. If you leave a review, please email me and send me the link so I can thank you personally.

As a reminder, because of the quantity and quality of the color images in the Kindle version, Amazon required a minimum price of $1.99. Something about the 24MB file size and their download rates. I told you it would launch at $0.99. So if you want a Kindle version, I’ll be more than happy to send you a dollar in the mail. Just email me and I’ll send you the money. The Kindle price will be going up in another day or so, so please get your copy soon.
Several people asked me how to order a Kindle version if they don’t have a Kindle app yet. It’s very easy, and it’s free. Here are your options (courtesy of Amazon.)
If you want to send me a picture of you holding a Kindle version or paperback copy of Passport Forward, or if you want to let me know that you ordered my book, please email me at Thank you.

Thank you all again for your support and patience. I hope you enjoy Passport Forward, and I hope we get to share it with the whole world. Again, I’ll be giving you the green light soon to spread the word. Hang tight.
Thanks for your support. Have a great Sunday.
Peace & Love,
The Lexpedition

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