Launch Team Update 9 – November 2nd 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018
Hello, my friends,
Well, it has been about a month since Passport Forward went live on in paperback AND Kindle formats. Wahoooo!
So far I have only told you (my Launch Team) and a few other people about my book on Amazon. The good news: Out of the 105  members of my Launch Team, 60 of you purchased a copy. Thank you VERY MUCH.
I just made a video for you to give you an update and cover some of the recent developments. You can see the video below.
Since my launch, I have been working hard to finish up a few pieces of the Bonus Material that I am providing for free to people who purchase my book, including my “Don’t Break the Chain” calendar and my “Top 7 Countries List”. I should have the 3 chapters from my audiobook done soon as well. You can see and download the free bonus material here. I think the Top 7 Countries PDF is quite cool. I hope you dig it, too. Just FYI: Mongolia and Egypt DID NOT make the list. 🙂
Here is how you can help me get Passport Forward to the next level:
If you haven’t already snagged your copy, you can do so here. Thanks.
If you have purchased a copy of my book and haven’t left a “verified review” on Amazon, please read this page and watch the video to submit yours. Every review helps. Thanks.
Several of you have sent me a picture of you holding a copy of my book (paperback or Kindle version).
Here are my friends Caroline, Laura, and Marlo (left to right) showing some love for Passport Forward. Thanks, ladies! If anyone else wants to send me a photo of you with my book, I’d love to see it. Wahoo.  Please email me at

I also want to thank those of you who have taken the time to leave a review for my book on Amazon. So far there are 15 reviews from these awesome supporters:

  • Cindy
  • Danie Botha
  • Danny Spitler
  • Scott Allan
  • Mike Bechtle
  • Pupsrus
  • Mike Miescke
  • Seth Guge
  • Andi Szanti
  • A. Donahue
  • Stephen Feinberg
  • Z Newell
  • Jessica Whitehead
  • Caroline DP
  • Anonymous
  • Marlo (pending)
  • Mark (pending)

Again, you can leave a review by checking out this page.
If you want to order a Kindle version but you don’t have a Kindle app yet. Don’t worry. It’s very easy, and it’s free. Here are your options (courtesy of Amazon.)
Thank you all again for your love and support, and for helping me with the reviews on Amazon. It’s been a very long road, but we did it right. I’ll be checking in with you again soon with ways you can help spread the word. Stay tuned for that.
Have a great weekend.
Here’s the video.

Much love from Louisville, KY
The Lexpedition

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