Phun in the Philippines – Final Phase
Coffee is good. Mojitos are even better. Life on Boracay Island is Paradise.
Phun in the Philippines Part 2
Borcay. I think this is Paradise. Coffee. Lobster. Sweet Kids. Flying Fish. Scuba. Amazing Boracay.
Phun in the Philippines
I love The Philippines! Volcanoes. Lobster. Coffee. Scuba. Whale Sharks. USA Today Article. What more could I ask for?
Advertising Helps Me Decide
The Pig Goat Bus Ride on Flores Island, Scuba on The Togian Islands (Indonesia) – New Zealand – Boracay
Adventures in Glorious New Zealand
New Zealand is a postcard-perfect country. Adventures on the Stray Bus on South Island, New Zealand.
Fat People are Harder to Kidnap
They Are… Because They’re Heavy. Gili Meno. Taj Mahal. Bali. How Cool Is That! Nicolas Cage Stinks!
Never Trust a Man with a Neck Tattoo
Especially if he is trying to help you buy an airplane ticket. The Great Mango Bus Ride. 3-2-1… 3 Capitols and 2 Chinatowns in 1 Day
Greetings from India
My first Lexpedition Newsletter and a few statistics about India. Oh, and the Himalayas!